
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Shape Art

 This week for maths, we started doing geometry. We had to make different pictures using these shapes, parallelogram, octagon, heptagon, hexagon, trepazoid, square, rectangle, oval, circle, rhombus. Cutting the small shapes were really hard but mostly the octagon, but the really easy one was making the big hexagon for the body. Everything was fun and easy, can you spot the differnce?

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Creation Of Night And Day

 WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and storylines of Maori myths and legends

This week we were learning about Maori myhts and legends because it was Maori language week. There were 4 different books, The creation of night and day, Kupe and the giant wheke (octupus), How Maui discovered fire and Rata and totara tree. I chose the creation of night and day. our create tasks were, 1. analyse the the story we were doing, 2. evaluate the actions of the characters in our story, 3. we had to make a glossory of maori word in our story. 

hopfuly you like it.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Olympics Reading Create Task

this week, we were leaning about the olympics in Tokyo. We had 6 new reading books and, it was Chicken Olympics, Our First Olympians, Game On, The Cindy Limpics, Born To Run, The Ancient Romans Race Again. I chose to do The Cindy Limpics. It was about a girl called cindy who wanted to do their schools athletics but she brakes her leg, the teacher made a game for them and Cindy won. The olympian I chose was Emma Twigg, she is a Women's Rowing Single For New Zealand. This is the fact file I did about her.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Anne Frank Create Task

 WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related text

This week we have the same books but we have to choose a different book. The books are about inspirational people, the people are Anne Frank, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King Jr, Amelia Earhart, Walt Disney. I chose Anne Frank. The create tasks were that we had to write a summary of the book and the make connections with the complementary and challenge text. The 2nd create task was to make a small fact file of the person. The last one was to make a poster of how the person was inspiring.


 This week we were looking at natural disasters, we had to pick out of 6 natural disasters. The disasters are Tsunamis, Hurricane, Volcanoes, Avalanche, Floods and Land Slides. I wanted to learn about volcanoes like on how they erupt and a fun fact I learnt is that there are different kind of volcanoes like a fissure vent which has a long size of the part where the lava comes out. Hope you enjoy😁 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Private Or Personal Information

Hey Readers

Today we were looking at private and personal information. Knowing the difference between will keep you safe online.

We found the activity at uru manuka savvy sharing.

I give this activity a 4/5.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Halloween Night

 It was a dark and gloomy Halloween night, if not for the moon, it would have been pitch black. Then pumpkins started spouting as I walked out of the old spooky cabin and then I felt the freezing cold autumn wind crashing into my face. I was really frightened because I thought that in any second, an apocalypse of zombies would do a doggy pile on me and start biting part of my body or get eaten by a colossal monster.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Inspiring People

 WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related text.

Our reading create task was to fill out a sheet on our chromebook about our book, complementary text and challenge text. The 2nd was to make a fact file of the person were doing. The last create task was to make and inspirational poster. I'm doing Alexander Graham Bell who made the first telephone.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Matariki Create Task

WALT: Summarise and analyse ideas and information about the text. I think this Walt means gather a hole pile of information & ideas and turn it into a small text will using all of the information you gathered

 Matariki is a group of stars that is a symbol of the maori new year. we have new create tasks to do with Matariki. Legends say that matariki are sisters and matariki is the oldest sister of 6 other stars called Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi, tupu-a-nuku, tupu-a-rangi, uru-a-rangi. The 1st task was to make a summary of 2 videos and 2 texts.

Video #1: The video is about the 7 sisters that always annoy other stars, so Matariki’s parents give her and the matariki sisters a job. They had to stay in the sky to symbolize the maori new year.

Video #2: The other video is talking about what some people do to celebrate matariki. People say that it’s a good time to grow crops and get heaps of fish. Some make kites and fly them.
Te Papa Website: some tribes didn’t celebrate at the same time, some celebrate when the first full moon appears. In early june, you can see it early in the morning.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui: near the mountain of taranaki

school, they celebrate the come back of Ramanui and Puanga the red star and blue star and the only brothers of matariki as the school is the only true celebrations they say.

We had 4 choices to make for the 2nd create task. The 1st was to make an animation of matariki, the 2nd was to make a Venn diagram of how you celebrate new and the maori new year. The 3rd was to do a word find and make a glossary with the words. The 4th and last one was to read tawhirimatea and re-write the story. I did the word find one.


Waiti: sweet

Wairua: spirit, soul

Maramataka: maori lunar calendar

Whenua: land 

Pataka: storehouse

Korero: speak

Whanau: family

Matariki: maori new year

Whetu: stars

Kai: food

Pipiri: first month on maori new year

Constellation: group of stars to make an image

           Celebration: do something special /

special event

Harvest: farmers gather grain or fruits

Pleiades: 7 sisters

June: month of the year

Past: time before some people were born

Future: time that will come

Reflection: sending back light

Calender: showing the dates of the year


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Reading create task

WALT: Make connections with yourself, others texts and the world 

This week we had 8 new reading books, the books are called A bad case of stripes, you are special, harry maclary, where the wild things are, the wonky donkey,when pigasso meets mootisse, the empty pot and peter rabbit. We also have new create tasks. The 1st task, we had to make connections from the book telf, another text and the world. There are 2 more tasks but I didn't have much time to do it. I also didn't get to finish the 2nd task because I didn't really have much time but I was nearly done.

 The 2nd task was to make a Venn diagram with 2 different text, main characters. the 2 books I used the main characters from A bad case of stripes (Camila Cream) and When Pigasso meets Mootisse (When Pigasso meets Mootisse).

Friday, May 28, 2021

M&M Stacking

 Today, I tried to break the world record of the most M&Ms stacked. The best is five but I only got to stack 2 M&Ms and I used the colors from the house from Mustang yellow house from my school. I worked so hard to stack the M&Ms and put it in the right place. Hope you enjoy 😁.


WALT: Use prior knowledge when making text-to-text connections

 The story is about a young girl called Ellie who survived the Christchurch earthquake on the 4th of Sep. After the big earthquake, Ellie and her mum got supplies ready. On the way, they saw lots of damaged buildings with cracks everywhere. Then another earthquake struck on the 22nd of Feb.Our complementary task was was about Quaky cat helps out. A cat called Tiger can’t sleep because the huge Christchurch earthquake struck. In the future, his house got mended.Our challenge text was how an earthquake happens. Earth is just like a puzzle, the pieces are called tectonic plates. When on crashes into each other or slides on each other, an earthquake happens. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Hungry Wave

WALT: use prior knowledge when making text-to-text connections

The story is about a girl named Ana and her 3 brothers,

Niko, Mika and a baby brother. When Ana, Niko and Mika were getting ready for school,

an earthquake happened. It lasted for a long time but then stopped.

Then Ana’s mom let her go.

When she went out, a tsunami formed. They all ran away shouting TSUNAMI!!!

In the end they all

survived the disaster.

Our complementary text is about how tsunamis form.

Tsunamis form by landslides underwater,

earthquakes underwater,

land slumping underwater and volcanic eruptions underwater.

Our complementary text is about

how tsunamis form.

Tsunamis form by landslides underwater, earthquakes underwater,

land slumping underwater and

volcanic eruptions underwater.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Taniwha Trouble

WALT: Evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text.

 The story is about a boy called Noah who was hearing some weird noises from his class room heaters. Noah thought there was a taniwha in the heaters, he went and got the caretaker mr Blackadder. They both found where the taniwha sound was and captured it. Mr Blackadder showed Noah's whole class the taniwha in a jar, it was tiny. Complementary text is about 2 taniwhas who lived in a lake near Wellington harbour who wanted to go out into the ocean, so then they tried to make a huge wave that flooded the land separating the lake and the ocean and they did it, so they now live in the ocean. Challenge text is about a taniwha who lived in wellington harbour and when the taniwha was asleep he slipped over the land freely in the sea.

I was staring at mr Blackadders jar. The water was just so black I couldn’t see anything.

Was I the only student who didn’t see small taniwha in the jar?

  1. Would you have captured the taniwha by yourself? Probably yes.

  2. Do you want to hold the taniwha in your hands? Definitely yes

  3. How did you know that there was a taniwha? My father told me the sound a taniwha makes

  4. What’s your favourite animal? Definitely a Taniwha 

  5. Do you like any other animals? No


Friday, April 16, 2021

ANZAC reading tasks by Jf

For week 11 (the last week of the term) our reading tasks are all about ANZAC. If your were wondering what ANZAC means, it means Australia, New Zealand Army Corps. We had a minimum of 5 tasks but we had to do at least 3. I didn't get to finish 3, I only did 2. Hope you like my work😄.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Deadliest Animals 9/4/21

WALT: Summarise information by identifying the key words in a text. 

For week 9-10, I had to make 2 different reading tasks, one was that we had to make a quiz on kahoot or a slide show about the book we were reading (we can't blog the kahoot). The second task was to make a Venn Diagram of to animals from the book choices. The book choices are all National Geography on the animals Wolves, Frogs, Deadliest animals, Pandas, Sharks, Giraffes and Wild cats. I picked deadliest animals because I wanted to learn about some of the deadliest animals, one fact I learned while reading was that the mosquito is the deadliest animal. Please enjoy my Venn Diagram😁

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Day The Crayons Quit

 This week we were doing The day the crayons quit and the teacher chose one of the younger kids from Kereru (younger class) to go work with us and do the tasks with my partner was Gabriel. We had 5 tasks and by Thursday we had to do 5 tasks and me and Gabriel got all of them and this is my work.

Friday, March 19, 2021

wacky wenday

This week we were doing wacky wednesday and. The teacher chose one of the younger kids from kereru (younger class) to go work with us and do the tasks with us my partner was John. It had 5 tasks and by thursday we had to do 5 tasks and me and John got up to 3 and this is my work make sure to leave some feedback.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

My buggy for my planet Cosmic

Hi guys, it's week 6 reading this week. Our create tasks were us needing to draw a buggy for our made up planets. Then we needed to make a slide show of about our buggy.

WALT: Recognize information to gain an understanding of the text 
Would you want to drive my buggy?

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Art Of Michel Tuffery

Week 5 reading task

 WALT: Recognize information to gain an under standing of the text.

All about me


Friday, February 26, 2021

My planet Cosmic

This week for our reading, we had to read books about space and after we read the books, we created our own planet. Some people made weird planets made of crystals. My one is very similar to earth but it's bigger.